Please read.....

My kits are designed in 8x8 300ppi and are in zip format.

You may share my FREEBIES but please abide by the TOU. Please use my preview and do not change the file name. Please do not share direct download link but direct here for the download. Absolutely NO RE-UPLOADING of my kits is allowed!

Full kits are available for MEMBERS ONLY. If you would like to become a member, please click on Membership Information on the Navigation Bar above. Non-members may download the Samplers and the "Freebies For All".

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Yadda, yadda, yadda

Slowly but surely I got a kit packaged!! Thank you all for your suggestions about getting me moving faster but so far nothing seems to be working! LOL! Hopefully after DS gets all moved in a couple of weeks he will have time to come over and hopefully work some magic! Till then...I will slowly plug along!

Not much to chat about...still trying to free up some space for hubby to move back in! Lordy, I really spread my wings so to speak and somehow seemed to collect a lot more "stuff"! But, then I am also going through things to weed out the excess. I spent most of last night going through the filing cabinet and now I have quite a bit for the shredder! Went through my closet and really did some "condensing". What do they say? If you haven't worn it in 6 months, throw it out? Now, I have to make a trip to the consignment shoppe and the rest will go to the thrift store! Somehow I think I am making more work for myself but I am getting some sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from it all. Let's get zen about it and call it a "cleansing"!!

DD and her guy are in the thick of their classes for their master's and, for the life of me, when I hear them discussing their homework, I can't figure out how they will ever use the stuff they have to learn! Certainly passed my knowledge of things. I guess those days of helping them with their homework is gone! (thank goodness!)

Well, it's late. I'm tired and have a full day tomorrow of errands so I will just get this posted and call it a night......

Here is "Be Mine"! Yea, such an original name, I know but then again, you all know how much I LOVE naming kits!! So scrap your sweeties.......!!!!

Members...Download HERE

And the sampler for non-members is the quickpage!

Sampler download is...HERE


VJ's Scrap Room said...

Thank you so much.How cute!!:)

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

TY so very much for the WONDERFUL sampler!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms Kittie said...

Thank you, Glad everything is coming together for you. Have a great day.

Unknown said...

This is very cute. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Well, I like the name of the kit! I had a hard enough time naming my 2 kids, I can only imagine having to name kits. Personally, I think you do a great job of making and naming the kits-I'm just a Jannidee fan!!!!
Gotta run, my mama Yorkie was run over by a car last week and broke her pelvis in 3 places. I am now a nurse to her as she is confined to a laundry basket. I definitely am not cut out for this but have no other choice. Sure wish you were here! It was around 65 degrees or so yesterday-does that entice you Nurse Jannidee?
Love and hugs to ya,
P.S. The prayers are still going on!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Janni! It's beautiful! :o)

Anonymous said...

this is a sweet kit...thank you very much

Anonymous said...

Hey Honey bunny...this is just gorgeous....Thank you....I Love the soft soft colors and beautiful elements....Muah Dear....Hugs enclosed...

Amy said...

Thanks for another wonderful kit.

Linda said...

The kit is as cute as the name! Thank you so much...

ccynden said...

This kit is so adorable, thank you very much.

Annelize Webb said...

This kit is beautiful. I love the colours. Thanks so much Janice!