Okay, it is time to listen to me rant and rave about the weather! Seems like only a week ago that I was complaining about being cold LAST year and it seems like only yesterday that I was complaining about the heat! LOL! Never happy! ): I really need to find someplace that is a balmy 75 degrees year round, no humidity and only rains at night!
I have been trying to get my computer to run a little faster. Seems like in the past couple of months it has been slowing to a crawl and I have done everything I can think of to get it moving. Tons of free space, no viruses, defragged, no errors, etc.....DS says just buy a new one that is bigger and better! Don't you love these kids that think stuff like that is a priority? But he is right, I think I do need a new baby but until I get caught in a money landslide, it will have to wait. I am busily moving everything I don't want to lose onto my EHD cuz I have a BAD feeling...! Who knows, I may be asking some of my "old" members to be sending me my own kits!!!
Well, some of you know about the Christmas Pickle! LOL! It is just a little extra bit of fun for Christmas. If you Google it you will find out more about it and can find places to buy an ornament. I had made some years ago when I was into crafting and fairs...made out of Fimo and about the size of a gherkin. I do like the blown glass ones but I think they would be way too easy to find! Speaking of ornaments, I stopped into a Craft Store that I hadn't been to in years that has a Christmas Shop attached to it. Oh, I was in ornament heaven! None of them were super expensive but still if I bought all the ones I liked it would have run up quite a bill! I asked if they ever went on sale and she said that in July, they take down all the trees and clean and restock with the new ornaments and have a clearance sale of the old stock. You know where I will be in July!!! I realized that when they kids take their ornaments, my tree will be a little bare.
Any New Year's Resolutions out there? Mine is to take better care of myself...nothing too specific but am going to try to make myself a priority more often than I have in the past. Not that anyone in my family keeps me from doing it, I am my own worst enemy in that department! But, I figure since it such an "umbrella" resolution, I have more of a chance to feel like I have been keeping sense in setting myself up for failure!
I do have a new kit today...Calling All Boys. I tried to make it so that you can use it for the younger and the older so if you are doing an album, it would all co-ordinate. Hope you like!

Members can download...HERE
And the sampler for non-members...

Sampler download is...HERE
Have a wonderful day!!
Love this kit. I have a grandson that this will fit perfectly. Thanks as always for your sharing. Hugs. It is 37 below here today and we had a foot of snow yesterday. I am in Canada, It is BRRRRRR
Thanks for another great kit.
I won't annoy you by telling you our temperatures here in So. California!
WOW...What a terrific Boy ...My Grnadson will fit right into it very nicely...Love the color combo...We are expecting 8-10" of snow today....Yikes...Where to put it is getting to be a real prob.....then after the snow....the deep freeze....Brrrrr. Have a Great Week-end Dear Heart....and Thank You soooo much for this adorable kit...hugs enclosed Sweetie...
Well, I could invite you down to Alabama. We have a saying here-if you don't like the weather here, wait a day and it will change. It seems like we have one cold day and then one hot day, you never know how to dress!
The only New Year's resolution I ever kept was to never make a New Year's resolution again. I never have failed to keep my resolution sisnce I made it and that's been several years ago.
I love the new kit! It will work well with any age guy. You are so talented and I'm not partial either.
Love and hugs to ya,
Thank you for the wonderful new kit. Calling All Boys,what a great kit for the grandsons. Ice and snow for us in Ohio,but at least the wind isn't blowing fifty miles an hour. Resolution,just to get threw the year without any thing awful happening and then maybe next year things will start to get better for our country."Happy New Year and God bless all".
this is a great kit.. love it!!
Love it!! So looking forward to scrapping photos of Jonathan!!
Thank you!
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