Quickie post today
Just a quick post but I have got a couple of things for you! Gotta go help my Mom pick out some wallpaper for her kitchen and THAT should be an all afternoon job!
Thanks for the comments on my babies! Love them to bits...unconditional love, no expectations, just basic needs...wish a knew a man like that!!!
First, was gonna give you more papers for Garden Party but, everyone loves elements, right? So, I thought I would start you off with some frames. 2 frames and kinda a rub-on thingy that you can use as a frame or whatever! I think this kit is done but you never can tell. Sometimes in doing quickpages...something else comes up and gets added.

Download no longer available...sorry!
Um, speaking of quickpages........... LOL! Think I have nagged you enough and I think Diana has been glued to her computer uploading sine Friday! Tons of pages! Always room for more though, so come on!
Second, another challenge for Scraps2Design...love that group! Dorothy and team are always putting out challenges and tuts challenges! This week was a kid's note paper challenge and this is what I came up with and thought I would share. Hint....shhhhh....got a kit coming down the road that this will work great with! Shhhhh!

Yep! That's Bogie! Pretending to be a helicopter! Such a talented dog!
LOL! Couldn't find a pic of my kids doing anything quite as impressive!
Sorry...this download has been removed
I love these frames, thanks so much! I can't seem to find the frame that you have that cutie dog pictured in though, there is a separate link, but no file in that folder. Will check back later.
Thanks so much for your generosity.
you are so talented. Love the kids note paper and can't wait to see the kit that is coming . Your dog is so cute. Love the helicopter lol
Also thank you for the frames. Very nice
Lovely frames. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks so much
Wow! A 2-fer. lol. Love the frames for Garden party and the extra is great too! Thank you.
thank you for sharing, love the frames even the one you're doggie is in
GREAT stuff Janni, thank you much! ;)
Thank you so much!!! :)
The frame is great TFS
oh my gosh- i'm in love! lol even tho your designs are wonderful, it's bogie i'm enthralled with! what a sweetie! oh, and thank you for sharing your designs!
Thank you so much for the frame and anothe rpart to this great kit. Beautiful. Teresa
Pretty frames! Thank you,
How cute. Love the talented dog!. Thank you for the great freebie.
These frames are so pretty Jan, thanks so much. Also thanks for sharing those pictures of your dogs and cat. It sure looks like that cat is the boss! She is really pretty.
It so cute!!!
Your dog is just to cute
The frames are gorgeous! Love the flowers. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the lovely frames!! That picture is just too cute!!...LOL...
Love,Love,Love the "GardenParty"
TY so much for all the New Gifts :)I just love to come by here whenever I can..and yes Jannie that was me in the pic with the flowered top :)
sorry I haven't had time to reply to you yet..
Thank you so very much for these awesome frames!!
Love the LO with Bogie!!!
Love Bogey!!! The only thing my dog can do is SNORE and he does it with PRIDE!!!Love, love,love this kit, it is absolutely beautiful! I have a swing out in my yard and if you were here we would sit in the swing and get someone to take pictures of us and use Garden Party to scrap them!!!
Anyway, if you find a man with the characteristics of a pet, please see if he has a brother, I want him. I have heard that the only true love in the world is the love of a pet for its master. I still think pets are the best.
Thank you for all you do for us and give us. Your blog brightens my day!!!!
These are beautiful frames. Thank you.
Thanks a lot for the first two parts of another great kit.
I Love your Scraps!!
You are so talented!!!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Verry nike
i am happy!!!
Oh! The Garden Party frame looks just like a porcelain one I have. Thanks so much!
LOL -- love the ears!! we call those "airplane ears" at my house :)
Love these frames and such a pretty puppy dog. Thank you for sharing it is appreicated.
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