*can't think of any title*
Eeeewww..rainy weather again! I swear I am beginning to see rust spots on my skin! Just the other day on the news they were issuing a forest fire alert and flood warnings! Now does that make sense to anyone!
I turned my stimulator on again yesterday in hopes that it would help with some of this joint pain but so far nothing. That sounds dirty doesn't it! Actually it is a device that they implanted under my scalp that sends electrical impulses to the brain and somehow it is supposed to help with chronic pain. The wires run down along the spine and then there is a rechargeable battery implanted in my butt. Just call me the Bionic Woman! I had this second one put in last December but it never seemed to help. Went through this surgery twice and no real relief! My friend that just had her knee operated on has one and it works beautifully but for me, not so much. But, since I have this technology and I am just sitting on it, I thought I would try it again. But so far all I have is a headache from the constant pulsing in my head! You do eventually get used to it but since it has been so long since I had it turned on it is all new again and will have to get used to it. I hate to have it taken out in case they find out why it didn't work for me but somehow I don't think having a battery in your butt just sitting there can be too good for you. I have visions of it corroding and leaking....oh, the joys of crumby joints!
My daughter is looking for an apartment closer to her new job. She has a horrible commute! I can sympathize with her since I drove the same route for over a year before I decided that spending 4 hours everyday stuck in traffic was not a good thing! Where she works is in the richer section of the state and apartments are pretty expensive but her roommate from college is teaching in the area and they will room together. I love that she is independent and has a good head on her shoulders but I am not liking this growing up and leaving business. I am very supportive and give advice but inside a little part of me is already lonely for her! But she loves her job and is already being talked to about a promotion. My son loves living in Rhode Island and I doubt that he will come home after he graduates in September. Even though they are not far away, it still is so quiet when they are not here! All I can hope for is that their stomachs get the best of them and they keep coming home to eat!
So, apparently you like this kit! I am so glad...you never know how a kit is going to go over when you are doing it! So many comments on the "age markers"! I really don't know how I thought of them but I am glad I did. The next download are the papers and overlays, and the frames. You get all the solid colors seen in the preview plus 2 coordinating plaids. There are 2 circle overlays and then the two "kid" overlays. A little difficult to see in the preview but I think you will have a lot of fun playing with them!

If you are looking for 2 great freebie listings, check out Digi Debz and Selena's . Both these gals do a super job of searching out freebies and what I like about them is that they do not list the same blogs over and over. I have found some blogs that I had never been to before through these 2 hard working gals! But, do they stop at just Freebie Listings...no way! Go check them out! Thanks to both of them for all their hard work!
First One! WOW! Thank you so much for sharing your talent! You are a GREAT DESIGNER!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you so very much for this latest creation, it's terrific.
Re: Chronic Pain. I went for Bowen Treatments and no longer suffer from chronic pain. Here's a website. From it there are links where you can find a practioner in your area: http://letitheal.com/
TY so very much!
I know where your coming from with the pain my left knee has been killing me the last 3 weeks with the rain we've been having here in Penna!!
Cute cute cute! I just can't get over the colors in this kit! They are just great & not the primaries that you see so often (although I like them too b/c my own baby pics need primaries to scrap since my mom dressed me in blues and reds instead of pink LOL).
Thank you for another great kit! I have got to get my sons pics scanned. This kit is perfect for scrapping them.
Just wanna say that the Blue Latte quick pages are great. Think I got them all, but gotta check to make sure. Don't wanna miss out on any of them. :)
Thank you!
Thank you for these lovelies.
Hope your pain better by this time.
thanks for the frames and overlays. I hope you start to feel better soon
Thanks so much for these newest goodies! Love 'em.
I ADORE this new kit. Thank you!
I am so sorry you have to live with pain. I do too. I am seeing an Orthopedic surgeon this coming Thur. to see about a new knee joint. After having my right hip joint replaced last June I just can't hardly stand the thought of another bone surgery, but life goes on and so must we.
Sending prayers that you feel better soon.
I'm sorry that you are having another flare up with your pain. I'm having a bit of a back attack myself and can understand.. a little.. as mine pain is no where near yours. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers....
Thanks so much. This is such a cute kit. Teresa
Thank you Jan - your kits are always so much fun : D
Hi, I discover quite recently your blog through Ikea´s blog and actually loved it so much I decided to bookmarked it.
About the pain you talk, I´m really sorry to read about it. I´m not sure whether this will actually help you, but something that has proven to be very, very effective treating chronic pain is Acupuncture. The only but might be your implant and of course finding a good practitioner in your area. Unfortunately, I live in Ireland and the only practitioners or places you might get information about them are from the UK. So not really a great help for an American. Sorry about it.
About the kits. They are really beautiful and nice. I loved and downloaded (many, many thanks for them) Blue Latte and Garden Party, and they are great. I love your last one. Thanks a million for all the effort and the kits.
Best wishes with your problem and thanks a million for all. :o)
This kit is going to be soooo adorable! Thanks so much for the frames, overlays and papers! I think you always miss the kids when they leave. Good that she has a friend in the area to room with though. Sorry to hear about all your pain. I'm not sure I could handle something in my head vibrating all the time! How is your friend recovery coming along? And don't forget to give us an update on Betty's husband when you get one.
Oh, I forgot to tell you....kc said she knocked about 20 people down so she could be first to dl everyday! I just ran from her and snuck in later! Be on the lookout....she is relentless!! LOL
I am really loving this kit!!
Thank you so much!
WOW, thanks for the triple download of fantastic elements. Love the frames, overlays, & wonderful papers. When viewing your so happy kits, everybody is a kid at heart.
When the higher deity smiled down on earth, he definitely smiled on you. Your talent is beyond description. TFS.
TY so much for this awesome kids kit! I truly love this one!! It's just fantastic! TY!!!
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