Thank Goodness for rain!!
The thunderstorms moved in about 12:30 and I don't ever remember being so glad to see rain before!! I love going to Tag Sales and although I will sometimes try to round down my TOTAL purchase, I don't stand there and barter each and every 50 cent item!!! Plus the ad and the signs said 9AM......not 6:30AM! We had people ringing the doorbell at that hour! My Mom and I planned on being outside at 7Am to finish setting up and pulling things out of the garage but these people were REALLY annoying...grabbing stuff that wasn't for sale, getting in your way.......My back door is right by the garage and I went inside to let the dogs out for their morning "business" and some lady had piled up all her stuff on my stairs so I couldn't even get back out my door and wasn't going to move it! Not being a morning person anyway, I told her she either moved her stuff or the dogs would pee on it! She actually stood there and told me that some people were afraid of dogs and I shouldn't have them out! To which I told her, if she had come at 9AM like the sign said, she wouldn't have to deal with the dogs but since she obviously couldn't read, she would have to deal with it! I understand there will be early birds even when you specifically say no but to be ringing the bell when you are 2 and a half hours early...lucky they didn't get me peeing on them!!! AND, the day just went downhill from glad it rained and even though it was thundering and lightening, after we had covered everything, brought stuff back into the garage and closed the door...we had 2 groups ringing the bell asking where the tag sale was!!!! It was pouring!!!! Oh, joy!!! Get to do this all over again tomorrow morning!! And, we had also decided to just leave the stuff in the garage, add to it if we could and have another in September....Someone just shoot me now!
Wendy...I just joined and will be sending out that message after the tag sale in September...I got this stuff out of my house and there is no way, I want it back in or have to deal with packing it all up and bringing it somewhere! Thanks for the tip though!
So, I came inside to do something I enjoy and got this kit all packed up and uploaded....I love hot air balloons and would love to take a ride in one but my fear of heights is kinda getting in the way of that. Don't think a panicking old broad would be a real safety plus once we were up in the air! Thought about drugging myself first but I would have to take so much that I probably wouldn't remember the ride! LOL!
Here is Up, Up and Away! Not a big kit but a fun one!! longer available
The sampler... longer available
OMG, I hope tomorrow's garage sale goes better for you and can't believe that you got this kit loaded for us while you have all that going on. I would have told the early bird people to P off, that is for sure. Big Hugs.
I will tell you how much I hate having garage sales, my daughter is 24 and I have ALL her toys and clothes since birth in the attic! I try and justify my laziness by saying just think what she will get for all of it someday especially the toys all in their original boxes! I give you credit for even attempting one! Good luck on Sunday's sale! Thank you for the beautiful sampler, a balloon ride is one of my dreams but the $$$ of an hour ride is a bit out of our budget!!! Sending sunshine and hugs :}{:
Hey Janni Dear....I Love this Kit.....We have a lot of Hot Air Balloon Rallies around here but I have never gone to one....this kit will sure give me some incentive to go to one....Thanks You Hugs and a BIG MUAH are enclosed Dear...
Some people just don't have a clue, sounds like that lady is one of, if she was at my door that early - let's just say I don't have a dog- but I do have a weak bladder ! LOL
Love the new kit !!!!
Thank you !!! ;-))
Thank you for the freebie, it's unique and very pretty. I took a tethered hot air balloon ride once. Don't know if that counts, though. :)
This kit brings back memories of our days in Colorado Springs! I awoke one morning to the strangest sound outside our bedroom window. When I went onto the apartment patio to see what it was, there were dozens of hot air balloons filling the skies and flying over our apartment complex! One was so close that I could actually talk to the guy in the basket! It was AMAZING! The sound was the "whoosh" of the hot air filling up into the balloon.
Thanks for the great kit, and reminding me of such a fun memory!
Hi ! Thank you for your kit. We have lot of balloon here in France too.
Holy! I can't believe people would be that rude. I can understand early birds too but 2 and a half hours is ridiculous. Some people just have no couth. Thanks for the goodie today. I also love hot air balloons and afraid of heights but if I had the chance, I would much rather jump out of a plane. It's on my Bucket List. Thanks again, I hope today went better for you!!
Oh the nerve of some people!! Lord willing the next one will better. (((hugs))) You'll definitely get rid of everything with freecycle! *g*
Oh my word, Janice! I am surprised you even let those "early birds" remain on the property! If it were me, I think I would have told them to come back at 9:00, as advertised! (especially the snotty lady! LOL!)
Thanks for all the beautiful kits you create. (:
I am so sorry to learn late about all the problems you had, yet you still found the time to complete this awesome kit with its gorgeous colors. Listening to the awesome music coming through, "Remember When." WOW, with your fantastic designs and that musical selection, it has really reached deep down within to give me a charge. (I am home this week from another long hospital stay since July 20 until the 12th.) I am so tired and feeling blah, but still looked forward to receiving your so colorful designs. Thanks for the fabulous previews that I love to download as well. My love to you and yours. Thanks!!
Thanks so much....Jan....Kisses!
Wow....some people are just so insensitive. Sounds like you had a hectic time at your sale.
Thanks so very much for the excellent kit. It looks great!!
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