An UPDATE and a NEW kit!
Thank you all so much for all your prayers for Danny...they must have been heard because we had encouraging news this morning. He spent most of the day yesterday in surgery. They relieved the pressure, repaired as much of his face that they could, repaired the broken knee cap and collarbone but kept him in an induced coma. This morning they woke him up and he was answering questions accurately so they are hopeful that he will make a "good" recovery. But, they have still cautioned his family that he is far from being out of the woods yet. The police have arrested the girl, (17 years old!) and one of the guys (no age on him yet) and have charged them with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. The girl actually has been charged twice since she also hit that other person with a brick. Seventeen and she has basically thrown her life away!
I have a new kit for you. This is something that I have been working on for some time. Started off with a "drawing" that I did of the angel when I was just playing around and then has grown from there. It is a very feminine, girly kit (sorry, if you have boys but....) but I think parts of it can be used even if you do not have a baby girl to scrap!

Download no longer available...sorry!
Thank you all so much for all that you mean the world to me!
Oh Jannidee, this one is going to be fab. I'm really looking forward to collecting the whole kit. You've done a great job on the QP's and thank you!!
Oh this kit is stunning, just stunning, and with me being 1 and angel lover, and 2 a mom to 4 girls, I'm loving this totally. Your angel is adorable. Thank you so much for sharing, and for the update on Danny, have been sending up lots of prayers
Angel Hugs & Blessings, Lisa
That is wonderful news about Danny!! Will continue sending up prayers until he is completely recovered.
Ooooh...what adorable QP's!! Being an Angel and Faerie collector, I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I'm seeing so far!! *smiles*
Glad Danny is doing better!!
Wow i love this new kit of yours! Gorgeous! Gorgeous!
Thanks Jan for these great quickpages. It looks like another beautiful kit. Glad to hear a little good news on Danny. He is in my thoughts and prayers as well as his family.
Oh, this is a wonderful kit! Thanks for the QPs. I'm so glad to hear some encouraging news about Danny and continue to pray for him. I check your blog every little bit for news on how he is doing.
So glad to hear good news about your neighbor. Thank you for the lovely QPs and the kit looks absolutely darling. Sharon
Janni, this is gonna be one fantastic kit and your angel is so precious. Thank you, thank you....and thank you for the update on Danny, that is encouraging news. Prayers have indeed been answered and I will keep them going.....
Thank you for the update - I was just thinking about him this morning. I was also thinking how this could happen in my neighbourhood or anyone's neighborhood and how someone's life can change in the blink of an eye. You just never know.
Still sending prayers - at least it's sounding hopeful now!
You new kit looks adorable!
this is beautiful , thanks so much for generosity.
My prayers will continue for Danny and his family, there is a long road ahead for them all
Wow, what a stunning kit !
all of your work is so wonderful!
I love coming here and reading your blog and seeing your work !
Was very happy today to read that your neighbor is doing better too, I don't know what the world is coming to sometimes either, it's very sad - will keep him in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery !
Thank you for the freebies ;-))
These are very Sweet. I have twin Grand Girls on the way in September. I pray every day that they make it, the first baby girl only lived 13hr. I just pray we don't have to deal with the heartache all over again. This kit will come in nicely what ever way.
It's really nice to read that your neighbour is improving and getting better. I hope it continues going that way and best wishes to him and his family :)
About your daughter tattoos, I think a small one it could be really nice if it's tasteful, and you say it was, so surely she looks great with it :)
The quick pages look great with that cute angel, and the flowers are kinda funky, really nice. Thanks a million for another great kit, it looks wonderful. :)
Best wishes. :o)
I am so glad to hear that he is showing improvement!!!! That is so wonderful!
Your new kit is beautiful! I love it already! I cant wait to see what comes next!
So glad to hear Danny is doing better & will continue to pray for him. Do what you have to to reclaim your hood. Get on the case of the homeowners who are renting to these people & get it all back to normal. Love the baby girl kit those golden stars & dust is awesome. Right now this kit just seems fitting. Thanks!
Praying for Danny. Keep us updated. These are beautiful QPs and I can hardly wait to see the rest of the kit. Thanks for sharing. MJC0641
I am so happy to hear that Danny is doing better. I hope that he continues to recover and that the girl turns her life around. I know it doesnt always work but for my son prison was his turning point and his temper has been tamed and it took a very violent incident (no innocents involved in that case all were angry young teens)anyway thanks for sharing your wonderful kit i am continuing to pray for Danny and so thankful you share with us like you do you are great
So precious! I am hoping I get a grandaughter this time! Hopefully number 7 is our lucky number...LOL
THanks for sharing.
I am glad Danny shows improvement. He still has a long, hard road ahead of him. He and his family have my continued prayers.
I love your kits.
Thanks a million!
I can not get over your do the most beautiful work and your creative mind is amazing. THANK YOU!!!! from a gal that is newer to scrappin..have not even really done much yet..(need a new camera too..LOL)but you can believe I have your creations all saved..and everything you have given so freely will be used at some time.
Can't say thank you enough.
Will keep Danny in prayer.
This is adorable! Thank you for sharing. I am so happy that Danny is doing better! Will keep him in my prayers!!
I'm so glad to hear the little good news about your neighbor Danny, Jannidee! I hope that he will be completely recovered in the future. I'll continue praying for him and his family.
Thank yo very,very much for sharing all your awesome QP's!!!
They are all so beautiful, absolutely great work! I cannot await to see the whole kit. I think it would be adorable. :o)
Hugs & Love XOXOXO
Great the colors.tfs
So glad to hear Danny is doing better. I'll pray he continues on the path to recovery. Thanks so much for the start of another great kit too! :o)
So good to hear that he is improving!
Will keep them all in my prayer's!!!
17 & she's wasted away her life on her own if she was drinking the person who was having the party probably will be held reponsiable too!
I hope that they get whats coming to them!
TY so very much for the AWESOME & BEAUTIFUL QP's!!!
Jan, this is beautiful again. So glad for the good news for Danny.
I went to bed praying and woke up praying for Danny. What an ordeal for you all. Maybe when he is a little better, you can let him that many of us have thought and prayed for him.
Oh I am delighted that there is some good news on Danny. He and his family are in our thoughts and hearts. We pray for more good news in the days to come. I can't believe that the girl is only 17!
Thank you for this next kit, it is beautiful. xxxx much love
Jannidee, Thanks so much for your beautiful goodies! I really LOVE the new Guardian Angel kit. =) I am so sorry to hear of the disturbance on your street and will continue to pray for Danny.
Wonderful news on Danny. We are praying. And thank you so much for another beautiful kit.
I'm so glad that your neighbor is improving. I will keep all of you in my prays. This kit is beautiful. I think you are right about being able to use parts of it even if you don't have girls. I think some of it would look nice on a new baby page boy or girl. Thanks again for sharing. are such an angel yourself...;o) Do you give us one or two...or even 3...NO!!!...4 QPs!!!!! Thank you so much...this kit looks to be a WINNER!!!
Glad to hear that Danny is doing somewhat better and that they arrested at least 2 of the culprits!! I am already in love with this new kit....she is the cutest little angel I have ever seen!! I think she is sitting on Danny's shoulder!! Will continue to pray for Danny's complete recovery. Thanks so much for this kit, I adore it!!
That is wonderful news about Danny. I will continue praying for a full recovery. Thanks so much for another lovely kit.
Wow!! This is going to be my favourite for sure. That is saying something because I love all your work. I am so pleased to hear Danny is a little better. How hard it must be for all of you. Keep your chin up and I hope you get lovely new neighbours soon.
Hooray on the good news on Danny. He will continue to need prayers, and he will get them!
Thank you for the new's a winner!
What wonderfully hopeful news! God hears the digilent prayers of His children. There is great power in concerted, united prayer!
And what a wonderful kit. It is so appropriate, eh? I think Danny has a great many guardian angels!
Thanks for sharing.
Hello Jannidee
I recently found your blog through many other blogs. You have some amazing designs here! I was wondering if you give permission to use your scrap kits in tutorials. I would love to hear from you.
Thanks so much
OH I forgot to leave my name, silly Diana :c)
Well Jannidee, the news on Danny sounds very encouraging. That's great.
Thanks so much for the quick pages, these colors are so pretty. Thanks!
love the ones with the flowers around it especially! thanks for sharing :)
Thank you for these adorable QPP
I am SO glad Danny is doing better!!! I'm also glad they have at least 2 of the people, I'm sure the 3rd is not to far behind. I will keep praying!!
Oh my goodness, she is sooooooo cute :-) I can't wait to see the rest of the kit!!! And, yes, I do have girls to scrap for - yippee!!! She is so darling, I'd have found something to use her on even if I didn't have girls.
Thanks and God Bless,
Thank you for the angels. They are so cute. Good new about your neighbor. Prayer does do wonderful things.
Thank you so much.
Lots of luv
This is going to be a great kit and just what I need for our newest angel! New granddaughter born on May14th!! Thank you!
wonderful news about Danny. Gosh, 17 years old!! unbelievable. Thank you so much for the beautiful quick pages. I can't wait to see the rest!
OMG! That's horrible about your friend and neighbor! I am so gladd he seems to be doing alright...I hope it stays that way and he continues to get healthy! HUGS
Thank you for your work and sharing it all! :)
Good news on Danny! Thank goodness for modern medicine. This is going to be a beautiful kit! Wow! Thanks for sharing it.
As a mom to a pretty little girl and BUSY college student I want to thank you for making life easier in helping me get my scrappin' done. Pretty QP's!!
Wow this looks like it will be a great kit. Love your work, and thanks for sharing with us. Hugs
Thank You! : D
I'm glad to hear that Danny has made progress. I will definitely keep him in our thoughts and prayers.
Beautiful QP's thankyou. Wonderful news on Danny I continue to have him in my prayers.
I just read about Danny this morning. I was really shook up about it. Like you, I wonder how people can be so cruel. It tears me apart sometimes. I am so glad to hear that Danny is doing better.
On a happier note, your quickpages are beautiful. I love your work and I want you to know how much it is appreciated. As hard as it is to believe sometimes, there are still people in this world that care. That is what keeps me hanging around this digi-scrapping community. I have never seen so much concern about others as I have here. It does my heart so much good, as I hope it does yours.
Melissa P
Thank you for sharing!
Your kit is beautiful, thank you so much for sharing! The story of your neighbor is so sad, but I am glad to hear things are looking up. Sending love and light your way.
Glad that your neighbor is doing a bit better. The kit looks good so far... I'm expecting a girl (so they say!) in 6 weeks.
Beautiful! I do have a grand daughter,I will look forward to all the kit to make something with her!
By the way the link posted today, does not work...look forward to downloading it.
These QPs are just so beautiful & feminine with the cute elements. Love the happy angels & their position on the page. All the colorful designs convey joy & happiness of that photographic moment. FABULOUS!!
Prayer will move mountains. As a little girl, there was a prayer band a group of elderly ladies who prayed for the sick. You have a strong prayer band that reaches beyond expectations. We are in for the long haul. Yes, through prayer he is a mountain mover.
Leaving Love! XOXOXO
Such good news about Danny! Have been praying since I read your comments. Thank you so much for this new kit---First baby girl birth g'child due in 3 weeks---how did you know????
Not only do you provide a beautiful kit, but wonderful Quickpages. I can't thank you enough - you have really helped me to make a dint in all the pictures I want to scrap.
Thanks for beautiful QPs. I love your work. So happy for your good news.
Thank you so very much for sharing your awesome creations with those of us who couldn't begin to design like this!
I'm glad to hear that Danny's is improving.
Thank you for the lovely QPgs!
I can't wait to see the finished kit.
I like the baby girl Angel theme.
My Baby girl is An Angel...(stillborn @ 37 wks) this kit will make beautiful memorial pages. Thank You.
Thanks so much--these QPs are so cute and really different.
janniscrap! wow! I love your guardian angel stuff! VERY sweet. DigiDebz sent me Thank you for the freebies
I'm glad that Danny is doing better. Will keep you both in my prayers. Thanks for the angel quickpages - they are wonderful!
I love your angel...she's so cute. Thank you :)
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