Lazy day after a long weekend...
Good day, my friends. So glad you like my little angel. I used to do a lot of decorative painting and wanted to see if I could recreate something digitally. When I did, then I had to try to work it into a kit somehow!
No new news on Danny which I am taking as a good sign. I am sure we would have heard something if things had taken a turn for the worse.
Gee, no parade this year but there just wasn't time. I usually get to at least one! But we did BBQ some chicken last night and "dined " outside which was very nice and relaxing. Need to get outside today and get some more pics since my roses were about ready to pop! I only have 3 rosebushes but they look really healthy this year so I am pleased! Also, picked up some annuals that I need to get in the ground! And some herbs that I need to find a home for! A woman's work is NEVER done!
DD is healing pretty well...somewhat of a challenge this morning getting ready for work with the plastic wrap but we managed. DH is slowly recovering from his daughter's virgin skin being permanently marred! I just keep saying...if this is the craziest thing she ever does, I think we can consider ourselves lucky! Plus, I like it so he really gets a deaf sounding board from me! Now DS is itching to get one! I asked that he wait awhile and let his father get over this shock before we hit him with another! We took some pics last night but being in a lazy state of mind, haven't downloaded them off the camera yet so I will show you the design that we had made up.

She loves claddaghs and the fact that she is Irish (and Italian, Polish, French, German and a League of Nations going on in this house!). Other than the shading on the heart being a little different, her tattoo looks just like it. The girl that did it did a beautiful job. She has been tattoing since she was 14! Her father owned the business and she just grew up in it. She has tats all over which I don't like but, heh, to each his own. Each one is beaustiful but just too many for me.
Today, I have the paper pack for you.

Download no longer available...sorry!
April Fools! Whaddaya mean it isn't April 1st????? Oh, well, just having a DUH moment and forgot to activate the link! Sorry!!!! All fixed now!
Love the papers unfortunately the link is not active..
Beautiful papers!! Still continuing to send up prayers for Danny...hoping the "no news is good news" is in his favor. GORGEOUS tat!! I'm sure DH will come around...hehehe
Beautiful! I couldn't get the link to work either tho......
All fixed...sorry...(shrinking back to my corner now!)
I was thrilled to hear about Danny's progress. There IS a God! I hope He helps in the prosecution of the criminals.
Thank you for all of your beautiful 'stuff', your talent and generosity is much appreciated!
Beautiful Jannidee! Thanks for sharing. Where is your daughters tatoo at? Looks maybe like one that would be on the small of the back? Poor dad, just as it is here, do it anyway LOL
Thanks so much!!
ummm, there's the title, one paragraph, two images, end of blog entry. Why do I feel I'm missing out on a whole bunch of interesting conversation?!?!?!?!
LIzzerd! It is all showing up on my screen so I don't know!!! But thank you for actually "missing" some of my conversation! LOL!
Ok...this is weird!! I came back to see if the link had been updated, and half of your original blog is now missing, as is the link?? *cries*
Okay, I have re-published...can you hear me now???
Thank you so much for these very beautiful and soft coloured papers!
So lovely,Jannidee.
I'll continue my prayers for Danny & sending best wishes to you and yours. :o)
*giggles* I think you are coming in loud and clear now!! *doing happy dance*
So cute. Thank you so much for sharing.
Just wanted to let you know that I scrolled through your freebie list on the side and downloaded a few more kits. Thanks so much... great stuff.
BEAUTIFUL papers...thanks bunches...;o)
This new kit is absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you ever so much for sharing it with us. I'd like to ask you something a bit more private so if you'd shoot me an email I'd greatly appreciate it.
-Amy W.
I am so glad they caught those responsible for Danny being wheere he is!!
Thank you again for this sweet kit!
Beautiful BG's!!!
TY so very much!!
The tat is cool!!!
I always wanted a Tat & when my hubby died I finally got one on my right leg just above my ankle its a Blue cross with a purple rose on it and with Don written underneath it.
yay, you're *back*
ooooo wow, lovely papers!
Thanks for more pretties. That is a pretty tattoo. I am just crossing my fingers that if DS gets one it won't be a spider crawling up his neck. lol
Oh my goodness, these are so gorgeous with their pretty patterned designs. Love your visual presentation with your lovely angel photo. "SMILE."
It stood to reason that your son would want to follow suit. The design she chose is so elegant & unique for her. (My granddaughter has a G cleft on the outside of her ankles. She says because of all the music she heard when I played for the church.)
Our prayers are still there for Danny and always for you & your family. God does answers prayer.
Hope Danny continues to improve. I saw where someone had asked about your friend that had the mammogram the other day, how is she doing and also Betty? Thanks so much for the pretty papers...what a sweet kit!! As far as the tattoo goes, I would be doing good to slap a rub-on from the bubblegum machine on!!
Maybe no news is good news on Danny. Thanks for the lovely papers. Teresa
Thanks for the pretty papers. Cute kit here.
Love this kit and the tat is wonderful!
Thanks for the lovely papers and the QPs from yesterday. Continuing to pray for your neighbor as well.
thank you so much for the beautiful papers! and wow, the tattoo art is beautiful!
I wrote you many times and I know you are a busy lady with all these wonderful kits you share with us, but can you take a moment or two for me?
I wrote 5 child stories, but I never found someone to draw for me and you girl from the TOU is what i would like for my Sarah, the girl in the book. Can I send you one story? Maybe you fall in love... Maybe you will want to join me in this books... Maybe?
Email me, please
Thank you as always these are such beautiful papers and this whole kit is just perfect I really need a guardian angel about now with all the things going on in this family!
Love your kit and your work fantastic,thanks for sharing
Such pretty papers. Love the soft colours. Thank you :)
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