When I screw up...
I really screw up! I have been going through all my files trying to delete, remove dupes, well, generally trying to release some memory for this poor over loaded computer. Somehow in my housecleaning, I deleted ALL of my brushes! Okay, I had a lot that I never used but some that I used all the time and some that I made (of course, not a backup to be had). Then, I realized that I had deleted ALL of my fonts as well! OMG! I am trying to think of this in a positive light...my files were such a mess since I started being a downloading fool long before I knew what I was doing. Now, I think I will be a little more organized when I download something. I have a file named "Download and Check" which I would download everything to and then sort it from there. I was doing it daily but it kind of got away from me and it ended up being bigger than all the rest of my PSP folders combined! Live and Learn!
So, I will be taking a break from designing for a few days until I can finish cleaning up my mess. I also switched to PSP10 and have to reinstall all my plugins which is another good thing since I had a ton that I never used and will not put back on. But if you can help me out on the font thing, I would appreciate it. I had over 3000 fonts and I feel naked without them!
Thank-you, thank you for all the wonderful comments on "I Take Thee". I really appreciate all the nice words and it just makes me want to give you more! Some kits you just really hate to see the end come to and this was one of them but I ran out of ideas but you never can tell, I may get hit with an inspiration for an add-on. Usually happens when I go to do a page and need something!
I do have a little goodie for you though to tie you over until the next kit. I was working up a new banner for the blog and came up with something that I thought would be a good wallpaper for February! A candy dish full of Sweethearts for all you Sweethearts!
So enjoy and wish me luck so I don't delete anything else vital!

This download has been removed. Sorry!
E-mail me, cuz I can definitely help out with your green veggies, and probably all the others too.
Just add ATaoldotcom to my username for my address.
hugs, NinaJo
I'm going to go apply this to my desktop right now!
Love it! :D
Thank you.
K....I'm back again, this time I downloaded the 3 pieces of I Take Thee, and the wonderful desktop.
Thank you, thank you for all the beautiful pieces of this kit and the desktop.
Since I haven't heard from you yet, it's either too early, or you are in church, OR you don't have my e-mail address. It is xxxzeepxxx@aol.com
hugs, NinaJo
This is beautiful, thank you! So sorry to hear that you lost fonts etc. hope you manage to get them all back. For things that you bought its worth contacting the vendor as they may be able and willing to help out.
tfs the wallpaper, i love it.
Many, Many Thanks for this!!
I have emailed you hun from my gmail account and will be willing to help in any way I can...
Hugs - Linda (ljd)
TY for sharing the calendar wallpaper. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you lost so many of your files. I sure hope you are able to get them back.
Thank you for the awesome Feb wallpaper!
Love your new header!!!!
Oh this is so nice of you.
Thank you for the beautiful wallpaper. Just luv your header
on your home blog too.
Hi, Thanks for the wallpaper.....sorry to hear about your deleting files. There is a program at this site that is supposed to work good. I never used it myself but others have had good luck with it. http://www.stompsoft.com/recoverlostdata.html HTH Dede
Thanks for the lovely calendar. So sorry about your brushes and fonts. Hope you can get it all straightened out. Teresa
Thank you this is awsome
We don't have a lot of real cold
weather here in North Georgia, but
it's cold today, so this lovely
desktop will brighten my day. I love
Thank you for sharing it.
So cute. Thank you. Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your fonts and brushes. I'll send good thoughts your way.....
Thank you so much for this! So cute :) And I love the Valentine look on your site, too!!!
You said you needed fonts. Email me and I have OODLES of them. I have enjoyed your kits so much that I feel I owe ya big time. Feel free to email me:
Your admirer,
I am definately not an expert in PSP, but I use it to open tubes and change PSPimages and such to psd. I used to play around in it some but now that I am serious about what I do, I stay mostly with Adobe. When I did go to PSPX, I didn't lose any of the fonts I had in PSP9. All of my fonts are installed in my Control Panel under Fonts and I can pick any one of them up in any of my programs. It could have just been dumb luck, but it worked. Might save you from loosing some. Sorry if I am too late, but I just got the last 4 days e mails today. iamgoog3atamomentntime.com if you need to e mail me
yeouch with the accidental deletion.. the good news is as long as you haven't saved anything new on your computer its all still there.. you just need to find and recover it.. I'll go ahead and ask the obvious.. you checked your trash right? there are several programs out tere that will help you recover your data... probably any of them will work.. just don't be surprised that it's not all nice and neat in a folder and it WILL take some effort on your part... FOr the future, invest in an external hard drive.. I back everything up about once a month.. not nearly as often as I should, but if I loose anything it woulnt be everything kwim? Thank you so very much for all the pretties!
oh I forgot.. for a large selection of free brushes check out my good friend Janita here http://seishido.biz and while yes I did talk her into opening a store, she still has a large selection of free brushes!
Thank you for this adorable wallpaper! Good luck with your computer files!
Thank you sooo much..I love it!
Oh, so cute. It's Feb12th today. Not to late to enjoy this for the rest of the month. Thank you soooooo much!
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