Monday, Monday
You scrappin' chickies are on a roll! Here is Jenny's Quickpage from the current kit. The three girls are her grandnieces. Beautiful little girls! Thanks for sharing, Jenny!

Well, we had 2 beautiful days of 60 degree weather and today is cold and rainy! So, I am back to walking like Granny Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies! Did I tell you guys that I bought an Inversion Table? One of those contraptions that hangs you upside down and lets gravity work its magic? So far, I only invert about 60 degrees, too chicken to try the full 90 yet but it does seem to help with the back pain, takes some of the pressure off the nerves that my crumbly discs are putting on them! I have until the end of the month to decide whether or not to keep it so still in the testing phase! Someone posted that their daughter had gotten one of those whole body vibration things for fibro...any up date on that?
My aunt is feeling so much better, thank you for those that sent good wishes her way. We took her to Walmart to do a little shopping for essentials and then had her over for dinner. When I took her home I set up her scent diffuser and, WOW, I've got to buy me one of those! It smelled so good in her little apartment not very long after I set it up! My niece had given her one of those battery operated scented candles which is very pretty but it does not give off much scent so she is going to put that in her bathroom and maybe since it is a smaller room, she will get some aroma from it. Both very cool little goodies! Curious to see how long the oil in the diffuser lasts, anybody know?
Thank you all for the comments on this kit! And, some little birdie asked if the hearts were going to be given as a separate element??? Why, yes, since they were the inspiration! Was going to make them the last thing but since you they are!

You can download them here and keep up with leaving the make my day!
Sorry, this download has been removed
Have a Sparkling day! As for me, I think I am going to go soak in a hot bath and pretend that I am in a sunny, tropical place with a gorgeous pool boy waiting on me!
Big Hugs!
Thanks for the sweet candy hearts-I love the "updated" sayings on them!
Thank you for sharing your candy hearts!
MMmmmm Candy.. How Yummy! Thanks for all the Sweets. I am so far behind on my scrapping stuff. But if I ever get started again I know I will be using these goodies. Thanks for sharing so much lovely goodies with all of us. Your The Sweet Heart! :)
Thank you for this beautiful kit!
Thank you! I've been looking for candy heart tubes for a couple days and these are exactly what i was looking for. This kit is perfect for valentine's day.
I have to tell you that I really don't care for the real conversation hearts but these are soooooooo sweet-I love them!!! You are the best designer I have ever seen!
Also, I told my dd about the cake and she said I really should make it but I need to wait until she and her family could come up. It sounds so yummy-thanks!
I keep telling you to come on down to Alabama-we're having springtime weather. But since it's such a long way, I'll just pray your pain goes away AND you will have warm beautiful weather!
Thanks again so much!!!!!
Hugs to ya
Thank you these are so cute. I buy a bag of these for my daughters VT basket and I always have to go get another bag because I eat them up before I get the basket done LOL
Thanks! These are much better than the "real thing" ;)
These bring back happy memories. :) My mom used to always buy us one of those small boxes of these every Valentines Day, way back when. You did a great job on them. :)
Thank you so much and hugs,
So cute! Thank you so much!
Thank you for the candy hearts.
The girls are adorable!!
Thanks so much for these adorable hearts...this kit is too cute!! I hope your back gets to feeling better. Well, I live in a sub-tropical state (FL), and I have a pool.....all I need now is the cute pool boy!!! Thanks for the vision!!!!
Sorry I hadn't gotten back to you sooner about the whole body vibration thing! I'd have more info if my daughter or I either one remembered to actually USE the blasted things, lol. What with the holidays and birthdays and a prolonged bout of pneumonia I've been kinda out of touch...and she has these 3 boys(1 six and 2 fours)and is taking on-line college courses...I know, excuses, excuses! Maybe next week after I finish this round of Augmentin and Prednisone I'll try to start using mine regularly, and I'll get after her to use hers, too so we'll have some idea if it helps.
Thank you so much for sharing. These are sooo cute.
Thank you for the hearts. they are really cute. Send the pool boy over when you are done with him. I could use him also LOL
These are so adorable. It's a great addition to the kit. Thank you!
Wow, what a wonderful kit. Thank you.
Great kit! I'm sure I will use it with all the ones I love for Valentines!! Hugs and thanks!
Hi Jan, I am so glad you leave your links active. I have been sick the last few days and would have missed this treat. Thanks so much.
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