!#@**##@! Computers!
Can't live with them and don't even want to try to live without them!
I am getting there. Thank you so much for all the offers of fonts and brushes and I apologize for not responding to everyone but I do appreciate all of you! Gee, if I took you all up on your offers (and believe me, I really want to) I would be out of space again and be in the same sinking boat I was in! I have your messages flagged and I will be responding to you but I had to take a break from sitting in front of this monitor. With the neck problems, and the position I have to look at the screen because of the progressive lenses, I gave myself one heck of a neck pain and headache! I was so intent on getting things straightened out that I forgot to stretch and move! Talk about a one track mind!
Finally got my nails done today and they feel so good! I was due to have them done the week Jess broke her leg and the tips were about to fall off and they were getting so long that typing was becoming a real problem! Beside the typos the clicking on the keys was driving my husband crazy! I am not a vain person (if you could see how I dress sometimes, you would know that was true!) but I do have a compulsion about my nails! Yep, that's me! Baggy flannel pajama pants, over sized thermal shirt, fuzzy slippers but, heh, check out her nails!!!
Jess is so wiped out after a day at work and is getting REAL bored with this cast thing. We go back to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully he will let her start walking on it and give her arms a break. She turned down the job offer since, financially, it just didn't make sense but she has another in the offering that she has to go see about tomorrow.
I had no intention of working on another kit. Thought I would just tweak some that I already have that just need a little finishing but...! I saw a comforter that was just blue and white and I thought how nice and clean and crisp that looks! And it came in pink/white and green/white so I sat down and took a designing break! I love the cleanliness and simplicity. Lots of possibilities with this and I thought maybe you were all ready for a little "Spring Freshness" to get you out of the winter dooldrums (yes, I know you Aussies are having summer...don't rub it in! LOL!)
So, here is "Clean and Crisp-Blue"

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This 8x8 (300ppi) kit includes 5 papers, 2 folded corners, border, 3 tags, oval floral overlay, 2 ribbon and braid borders, button, laced-up edging, and more!
Enjoy! And, again, thank you!
I came by hoping you would have something on your blog...besides enjoying the read it's nice to know all is well with you. To my surprise you have another gift for us....In my opinion you are a very special person to put something together with all the organized kaos you have going on at this time @PC.
Thanks Bunches It is truly beautiful.
Sending Luv your way from the other side of the world.
Hey girl, sorry you have had such trouble! I've been out of commission (bad tooth) and just now found out about your trouble. Is there anything I can do to help you? I have a bunch of fonts and you can have them if you want them-just say the word and they are yours. The only brushes I have are for my hair and teeth, but if you want them , you can have them. Just remember that they are used (of course I'll make sure to clean them first but.....).He! He! I'm just kidding you about giving you my tooth and hair brushes.
I hope Jess gets to walk on her cast soon too. My students used to tell me that when they used crutches, their armpits hurt. Any-way, I'm still praying for you and Jess.
Before I forget, my daughter Misty wanted me to tell you that she thinks you are awesome for being so kind to me! Of course, I whole-heartedly agree!!!!!!!
Well, hope to talk to you tomorrow (if my tooth will behave-Im' taking antibiotics for now so it better behave!). Hugs to ya!!!
Wow another beautiful kit. I just love blue. Those flowers are just great the ring of flowers are so pretty and the other flowers look like they are stiched. Love it all, thanks so much
This is really beautiful.
Thank you so much.
Lots of Luv
Thanks so much, you are so talented, I love your work!
Oh my! I do hope your life will settle soon. Boy, do I appreciate the computer sentiments! Thank you so much for this beautifl kit. I LOVE the turned corners. Take care!
Hi Janni...Thank You for another Gorgeous kit!!
I love to come and read your blog and catch up with your news :) I am amazed that you have the time to put anything together to share with us with all thats going on in your life! so it makes it more special that you spare the time..
Hugs - Linda
I am not a big fan of flowers but I have to say this is awesome. The blue and white are great together. I really like the flowers. Can't say why lol
Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Don't blame you one bit needing a break! But what you'se done with this kit is fantastic!
Thank you for sharing it!!!!
I agree this kit is so clean and crisp. It is so gorgeous. Thanks for taking time to make it with all that you have going on. Teresa
Thank you this is a very nice kit
What a beautiful kit! Thank you for sharing it!
Wow! This is such a beautiful kit! I love the wonderful shade of blue that you used and the flowers are great! Thank you for sharing these lovely pretties with us!
Oh, you are just way too good to us! This kit is just beautiful..I love the color of it! Thanks so much. :)
This kit is gorgeous. I am awed by
your talent. It looks like I could
just reach out to my computer and
pick up the each element. They
look so real. Thank you for sharing
Sooo sorry for the trouble you have had.:(
Thank you sooo much for sharing this absolutely wonderful kit with me.I love the blue and the elements and papers are gorgeous:)
Love your work. Thanks for sharing with us. The clean and Crisp kits are gorgeous.
So pretty. Thank you!
Thanks! I love the folded corners.
Thanks for this wonderful fun kit. Using 8x8 I can just place it within a landscape or letter-size background and be good to go. Love the threaded eyelets within your wonderful designs. The oval floral frames definitely adds that elegant touch to any design. Thanks for caring enough to share of yourself so intimately. HUGS!!!
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