well, as they have been saying on the weather channel, winter has finally hit New England! Been 3 days now of cold...long enough! Although today is a balmy 24 degrees compared to yesterday's 11!
Cindy...tried to email you but could not find an addy...yes, as long as credit and link is given. Thank-you for checking first. Very considerate and I am flattered that you want to use them!
Pugsli! Welcome back to the world of downloading!! That had to be like kicking a habit! And, "you've got mail!" so check you in box for something from me!
Jess came home about 2 PM yesterday totally wiped out. According to workman's comp for the type of break she had, 2 weeks is what they allow as long as the company can provide her with a position that follows the doctor's orders for limited duty. It is cheaper for the company to have an employee sitting doing nothing than paying them through comp. For the next couple weeks, as long as she is sitting with her leg elevated, she can work. After that she will have limited mobility since she will be able to put some weight on it. She is really on the fence about this new position. Sounds like an awful lot of responsibility and work for what they are offering in pay. That, on top of some other un-certainties, she is wavering quite a bit.
Well, not much to chat about today. I am still trying to organize and clean off my computer. I have deleted so much and burned off tons but it still does not seem to free up much memory. PSP'ing becoming a very slow process...very infuriating! Need more memory, need an external , and dvd burner! Remember when we thought cds were the best thing since sliced bread because they held so much!!! Heck, remember when we though 3" disk were? Anyone elso out there remember the 5" floppy???
So, here is the final part of the kit. There is a drop shadow on the flower element because in order to make it look like it was coming off the paper, I had to shadow before merging it since each flower had different shadow settings. The rest of the elements do not have a shadow.

You can download them HERE
Enjoy! Leave some love....would be nice to put a name to some of the other 500 or more downloaders! Go forth and scrap and share!
Have a great weekend all!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us and giving us this PRETTY.
Thanks for this lovely kit. I have been a paper scrapper and have recently switched to all digital. I am looking forward to using your kit to complete my wedding scrapbook. The colors you chose match the colors from our wedding.
This set makes my heart go ahhhhhh! Absolutely breathtaking! Thank you so much for sharing such a beautil kit! I can't believe it's free! Think I'll go do the happy dance!!
Hugs~ Saralee
Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing!
Couldn't dl because 4share isn't working last few hours...I'll be back! :)
Thanks for such a beautiful kit. I know it is small consolation, but 500 downloads, that's alot. I think people really love your stuff, they are just too lazy. All I can say is they are missing out alot by not reading the blogs and saying thanks. After all where else could you get a doey story and a beautiful kit for free. lol That's me, annonymous no more. Thanks again for sharing.
Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful kit... it has to be one of the prettest I've seen ever!
Hi. I wanted to tell you that I've D/Led your "I Take Thee" kit & I appreciate you sharing with me. It's absolutely beautiful!
I can't do anything with it yet because I only had the trial version of Microsoft Image & the trial period is over so, I can't use the elements.
I'm looking forward to using your kit as soon as I'm able to purchase it.
Again, thank you & God bless.
Thank you for more great pieces to this beautiful kit :)
How beautifull,thanks so much and a great weekend for you!
Thanks Janni for this set in its entirety....
The flowers are beautiful.
Oh Jan, I just love those flowers they are really beautiful. Thanks so much for this kit.
Oh my gosh--this is a beautiful kit! I am just beginning in digital scrapbooking so I hope I can learn enough to put this kit together! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us!
Thank you for a very lovely kit. You do beautiful work. Thanks for sharing. Carolyn M
Thank you sooooo much! Glad to hear Jess made it through her first day back to work! Have a great weekend. :)
Thank you for this beautiful kit.
I can't wait to post the challenge tomorrow, our members will absolutely love this!!
Thanks for your permission to use it!!
Hugs Cindy
These flowers are gorgeous. I love
the light pink color. Thank you.
Just found your site. I love this kit and, lucky me, also found the other downloads still active. Thanks so much for this wonderful kit.
Beautiful downloads and fantastic reading. I'll definately be putting your blog on my check list.
awwww, this is the end? This kit is too beautiful to end. :)
Thank you for the new pieces. They are awesome and I love the flowers. Gorgeous!
Once again I am amazed...thanks so much for this beautiful gift.
Wow, this is great! I love your elements! They are so creative! Thank you!
Wow! These are gorgeous flowers and hearts. Thanks for sharing.
This entire kit is absolutely beautiful! I adore the elements! TFS so much of your gracious talent! I love what you do Janni!
Thank You Thank You Thank You
I have downloaded all six parts and this is really beautiful.
It will make a a wonderful wedding page or a congratulations card.
Lots of Luv
Thank you for sharing your talents. These are beautiful.
oops commented on the wrong preview @ 4share. Lovely elements and Janni thank again. Luv those
flowers too.
This is sooo very pretty.
This kit is so beautiful, with the soft colors and clean lines. I especially like the details you've added, such as the bows and the rhinestones on the charms. Thank you so much for sharing. Sabrina
Thank you so much for this kit its absolutely lovely.
I just love your kits. thank you for sharing your talent with all of us.
What a beautiful ending to a gorgeous kit! these elements are awesome, my favorites are the flowers, I just love what you did to the leaves. THANK YOU :) so much.
Thank you for the lovely wedding kit!
Thank you soo much..These are wonderful!:)
Thank you for sharing your lovely set.
Thanks so much for this beautiful kit - Hugs - Denny
bravo - votre site est superbe
beaucoup de travail
Bonne continuation
Busy catching up on all your goodies. :) These are the colors I would choose if I was getting married again. Juts gorgeous! As always, thank you JanniDee!
These are gorgeous!
Janni, I have something digi-scrapping-related to talk to you about, but I can't find an email address for you. Could you email me at Thanks!
This is just gorgeous. Unfortunately for some reason I was not able to d/l part 6. It kept "thinking" e/t I clicked on "download file". I had that happen with SAL too, but didn't say anything, thinking it was my PC. I am going to try these for my reception pictures that I have. Thank you for all the kits you have offered.
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