Time for a little rant!
First. Today I received a very nice email from Lie Fhung of Ztampf.com concerning the ribbons that I used in the Prince and Princess charms stating that she was the creator of the ribbons. I checked the ribbon that I used as the base for the ones I included and remembered where I had gotten it. I had received in in a kit that I had replied to the creator of asking her how she made her ribbons. She replied that she just used ones that she had and recolored them. Foolishly, I did the same. After explaining this to Lie, she told me that she had been made aware that these ribbons had been distributed without her permission and thanked me for the explanation and for taking down the link. I feel horrible, I feel like a criminal, I feel stupid! But, Lie did accept my apology and hopefully there are no hard feelings.
Second. I finally was able to start cleaning up some of my email and I found that I am also a victim of piracy! Before starting this blog, I shared several things through groups. I have shared the link to 4shared with you all but never the previews here. The file concerned is the Christmas Little Bits. This is the way that it was shared through the groups. The TOU are very clear. Yet again, I will say that the string I used was a share that had no TOU attached so I will be taking this file down also since I cannot be sure that it is okay to use. The next image is how it is being sent through the groups now. Different preview and different file name and somebody else has got their name all over it with their watermark. This same thing has happened to 3 other people that I am aware of by the same person.

This file was sent through as a psp image and png so there would be no need to TUBE it and most importantly, if you saw the preview, you would have seen a link to download because it was FREE!, so I don't buy the explanation that she has offered others, that she got them as BMP and since she was tubing, she would do these.
I love to create and I love sharing. All I ask is to get credit for what I make and not have it ripped apart. And, although she has stated that she does not claim any work as her own, her name is on it , her watermark is on it and the file name includes her name. Then she has the audacity to demand that you use HER preview and NOT to change HER file name! Call me stupid, but to me that implies you are taking credit for it.
Both of these files will be down until they are modified.
I just don't understand some people. I'm sorry this has happened to you. It's sad when one or two people ruin things for everyone else. I can understand wanting to share on your groups but why can't you just share the blog link? I just don't get it.....
I have seen this scrap tag. I know alot has been going on and I tell you I don`t know what to believe in the groups. I do not have this tag and if I did I would deltet it. So sorry this has happened to you. I have have tags of my own ripped by others and it`s not a nice feeling. Thank you for not giving up and sharing with us. You work is beautiful! And you are very talenet and creative... thanks!
This is joluvsdogs. First of all, I want to say that I read on your blog where YOU STOLE someone else's ribbons and used them as YOU MAKING THEM (something I never take credit for when tubing anything). You don't make these elements from scratch, therefore, you have no claim to them. Also, I'd like to point out that when you open a png file in an older version of psp (I use version 7), you get a BLACK background - so it needs to be tubed. I already made a statement to my group of 1300+ people and TOOK FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the scrap tubes I sent and ALSO SAID NO MORE WERE EVER being sent again. What else is there to do or say? And furthermore, a watermark is something that CANNOT be removed. My "tubed by" layer is easily removed from the tube and a tubed by layer in no way constitutes a copyright notice. And I demand nothing of no one and only said "please share the preview" etc. You really need to get your facts straight. I took responsibility, I apologized to all parties involved, I sent a notice my group and have quit tubing scrap kits. What else do you want from me? Now you'll most likely want to remove this comment, fine, I've taken a screenshot that I left it here to clear the air. If you remove it, I'll simply start sending out that screenshot to all of my groups (which is thousands of people) to show who is the bigger person. I've tried to resolve with you and the other two ladies who "claim" I stole from them - I don't steal and I don't lie. I've acknowledged tubing one or two things from a scrap page I received. Like I said, what else is there to say?
No, joluvsdogs, Iwill leave this comment here because it just shows what kind of person you are. AND, you have never contacted me although I sent you an email asking who the designer was, and per all the emails you sent to otehrs, you did not take responsibility or aplologize. Yes, I posted what I had done to Lie, I thought I owed her that. Her ribbons were sent to me already pirated and foolishly, I used them. I was an adult and put it out there and took responsibility. I will block any further comments forom you because this is my blog, you have had your say and you will not turn this place into your personal soapbox. I hope you do not continue to rip anyone else's work whether it be from an independent designer or from a scrapbooking site but I doubt it. Just little things like you had said that background was white and now it was black, how you claim you have apologized and promised never to do it again, just little things that just don't ring true. Sorry, I used to think you were a very talented tuber but..
All you had to do is follow the terms of use of the artists. One simple little thing. I hope that this is a lesson learned and that you will follow terms of use for ANYTHING that you downloaded. There is nothing on the internet that is copyright free. Some may be free to use or royalty free, but that does not absolve the copyright identity problem. All you have to do is read the TOU. Most of the time it means to give credit to the artist at the very minimum.
Lots of people do not understand copyright and when they see even a tube by layer they assume that the person who's name is on it created it. That's why it's so important to put the actual creator's name on at least the preview or on the tubed by layer.
You probably won't read this, but hopefully someone else will who may be considering tubing a kit to pass on. There is nothing wrong with sharing something that was intended to be shared, just follow the rules of the person who created it.
I just came across this today and I'd just like to say that I believe Jannidee's explanation and her innocence. I appreciate her response to my email/post and her openess in this matter.
Those whose work have been pirated/re-distributed without their permission know how it feels. No self-respecting person would steal other's work and claim them as their own. They might deceive some people, but they can't deceive themselves.
I heartily thank everyone who has read and respected other's people Terms Of Use.
As a graphic artist in my own right, I can appreciate the work you have gone to. Keep up the good work and dont get dissilusioned
Hmm, Joluvsdogs also sent some 'scrap ribbons' through her MyPspTubes group on yahoo this past week. I wonder now if she really did make them or if in fact she stole those as well. You can never tell with this woman. She is quite the liar.
I'm lost - did you say you made these scraps yourself? Or just tubed them yourself?
Joluvsdogs tubed them as she did SEVERAL other scrap items from other people and then had the nerve to rename them as to show she made them.
I'm still confused - did the person who's blog this is actually make the items? Or did she just tube them?
I hope this does not keep you from sharing your wonderful kits. I think it's crappy when people intentionally pirate others' work.
OMG this person JoLuvsDogs is the boss at stickerchick...lol ya know the licensing company that is falling apart, can you imagine why now. I'll tell you alot of us are boycotting stickerchick and now you all know why, that place is nothing but trouble, be warned.
Sorry Jannidee that you had to even deal with such an evil person, cause you are so nice.
Have a great day.
I spend so much money on PTE and now I will not I love Garv but I will find someone else to love on picsfordesign or CDO. Even if its true or not this drama is crazy. And i can't blame you for being upset. Last year on tubes I spent close to $500 that is not much to many but to me it is. So I will be on my way somewhere else but I am sorry this happened to you.
I am sorry you are having all of these problems. MPT is haveing problems with this person too. I do not understand why she is saying she had to tube the scrap kits. They were PNGs, she was using PSP 7 which comes with animation shop...You can open them in animation shop, and export to psp 7, there is no need to to tube them.
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